Laundry Ventilation Cleaning

Whilst it is well understood that extract systems are designed to remove airborne lint and dust in the laundry to provide hygienic and comfortable working conditions, these systems are not always as regularly checked as they should be. Clogged filters and fans can quickly allow accumulations to build up in the extract ducting. These will not only reduce the health and comfort of working conditions in the laundry but will also constitute a potential fire hazard to all building occupants.

Fire Dangers in Laundry Extract Systems

The destructive potential of laundry fires is well documented. The Fire & Rescue Services, who have inspection responsibilities to ensure compliance with the Fire Safety Order, have highlighted the potential fire dangers of accumulations of flammable materials in laundry extract systems and advised all owners and managers to ensure they are regularly inspected and, where a build up of lint and dust are found, to have them professionally cleaned. In some cases, laundry extract systems are constructed as Local Exhaust Ventilation Systems (LEVs) which makes them also subject to compliance with Health & Safety COSHH Regulations.

Action to Eliminate Risks

HyperKlean will carry out a detailed risk survey, FREE of charge, to provide you with written and photographic evidence of prevailing conditions in your laundry extract system. We will carry out any remedial cleaning to ensure conditions are restored which are fully compliant with Fire Safety and Health & Safety legislation. On completion of service we provide a certificate to show compliance with Fire and Insurance requirements.

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